9 Ways Satan Seeks Your Destruction

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Are you ever overwhelmed by how difficult it is to live a life that is pleasing to God? Have you ever wondered why?

If the temptations of the world and the sin within our own hearts isn’t enough, Satan is also working overtime to see to our destruction, downfall, or weakening. He has no compassion, he doesn’t care how hard life is for you or all the things you have gone through. He rejoices in our difficulties and only wants to add to them.

Satan is cunning and crafty. He is also more powerful than we give him credit for and therefore a being to be guarded against and fought against. He has the experience of all kinds of evil on his side as well as the fact that he never grows tired and never gives up spewing his hatred for Christ and his bride.

He hates them because . . .they have escaped out of his hand, they oppose his kingdom and government; they hate sin, and pant, and pray, and strive for holiness.

James Smith

Here are some ways that our great enemy seeks our destruction.

1. He plants doubts and lies (Gen. 3)

One of the biggest doubts he plants in your heart is about the goodness of God. “How can a good God possibly let some of these horrible and hard things happen to you?”

2. He fights against your faith (Eph 6:12)

One thing the Devil is not is lazy. He is very active roaming around seeking to destroy. He has an arsenal full of tactics and will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to maim our faith.

3. He will tempt you with sexual immorality (1 Cor. 7:5)

Both in person and online sexual temptations abound and Satan will make sure to set them before your eyes. He would like nothing more than to take your purity and ruin your marriages.

4. He will try to cause disunity amongst Christians (Mt 13:38-39; 2 Cor 11:13-15).

Beware of even the smaller conflicts that arise between brothers and sisters. The Devil is well skilled at using such things to erode fellowship and breed discontent.

5. He will slander you before God (Rev 12:10)

Over and over, he will throw all your sins before the throne of God in an effort to discredit you. While he will not succeed, he won’t give up trying.

6. He will try to take you down through pride (1 Pet 5:6-8)

Pride is a dangerous sin because it gives birth to almost every other sin. So Satan will spend a lot of time trying to convince you of the fact that “self” is king.

7. He will persecute you for your faith (Rev 2:10)

The torture and murder of Christians thrills Satan in the most sickening way. But the persecution of Christian can also be brought about in a milder way, through shunning, discrimination, slander, injustice, and unkindness.

8. He will try to cripple your faith through fear (2 Cor 4:8-9)

Fear has its place--you are called to fear the Lord. But Satan will tempt you to fear earthly things instead. This kind of fear will blind you to the power, goodness and sovereignty of God. It will cause you to take your eyes off of Jesus and onto our circumstances.

9. He will try to sidetrack you with worldly things. (1John 2:15-16)


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